Many people have asked me why I created a product to organize paper in a world full of computers.
There are six main reasons that I have experience personally and will share with you. (these are personal observations and my own experience.)
There are six main reasons that I have experience personally and will share with you. (these are personal observations and my own experience.)
- Medical Files - If you go to a hospital, lab or physician and request your medical file they are going to give it to you in paper. My Care Case was built to organize the stacks of paper you will receive. By using the 31 tabs it will quickly give you order so you can reference the information you need quickly in front of a doctor.
- Appointments - Doctors schedule their appointments in short blocks of time. (typically 30 minutes for a new patient and 10 minutes for a returning patient) My Care Case can help you quickly access the information you need in front of the doctor. Personally when I had information on my phone or in an electronic method the doctors have had very little patience with me to find that information. If they could simply look at the notes written by another physician they were more apt to take the time to read the information they were seeking.
- 30 Day Wait - When you request your medical records to be transferred to a physician they have 30 days to fulfill that request. By having all of your medical records with you during your appointment it alleviates the wait time for the physician to gain the information they need in order to treat the patient. You just saved yourself 30+ days between appointments!
- EMR or Electronic Medical Files - EMR systems currently do not speak to one another. If you are being treated by multiple networks you cannot transfer the information electronically. In addition you do not have the ability to download the information out of the system to take it with you to the appointments which means you will be given the information in paper.
- Doctors want facts. By having your medical file with you it takes the guess work out of the situation. By the time your medical records are sent to the doctor you’ve lost time, money and worst case prolonged your treatment. My Care Case provides a systematic order for you and your doctor to have all the information available during your short time with the physician. So be prepared and create valuable interchange between you and your doctor to solve your medical case.
- New Appointments - The majority of your time in a new appointment is spent telling your story and collecting patient history. By having your records with you and a summary for the doctor - you maximize your time for diagnostic care.